Ruby I’ve been a coder for 10+ years and adamantly believe it’s important to experiment and dabble in other languages as much as possible. For the last year or so, my dabbling has been entirely focused on Ruby and Heroku — and I have to admit, I’m in love. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge fan of Apex and Visualforce and use both almost daily. But I like having other options, and I would encourage all developers to likewise dabble, and even ultimately add Ruby and Heroku to their toolbelt.

Introducing the Databasedotcom-oauth2 Gem

If you’re interested, and I certainly hope you are, I’ve created a new Ruby gem (library) that makes integrating Ruby and Heroku with and straightforward. It’s an extension of the databasedotcom gem called databasedotcom-oauth2.

What is this new gem all about? Well, several things:

  • An extension of the databasedotcom gem that simplifies authorization with or for Ruby web apps via OAuth 2.0
  • A Ruby gem intended to run as Rack Middleware
  • An alternative to using OmniAuth and the corresponding omniauth-salesforce gem.

To give Ruby a try via the databasedotcom-oauth2 gem, follow the tutorials contained here: Introduction to the databasedotcom-oauth2 Gem.

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