ChatterLabsNew_v1 We just completed a round of internal development that has resulted in 19 new Chatter Labs apps for your enjoyment.

Click here to view the full list.

Chatter Labs, part of the Labs program, unleashed the creativity of many different developers on several different teams.  This has been a very quick process.  We kicked it off on March 22 and wrapped up development last Friday.  In just two full weeks, people put together:

  • A really sweet iPad friendly Chatter viewer and location tracker.
  • A awesome word cloud viewer that helps you understand what your network is talking about right now.  (See the video below.)
  • A great app that joins the similar opportunity functionality to Chatter stream so you can see what people were talking about when the close date or amount field changed
  • and much more

Check out the full list, install a few in your developer preview org and join the conversation about them.  I look forward to hearing what you think and what you’d like to see next.

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