Stay connected with ADN during Dreamforce 2007 by following us throughout the conference via Twitter.

If you haven’t registered for Dreamforce yet, don’t miss out on our annual conference-within-a-conference brought to you by ADN – Developers@Dreamforce. Come to Dreamforce and be the first to get your Developer Edition accounts enabled with the latest technologies we’ll announce at the show (in at Dreamforce ’05 we announced AppExchange, in ’06 we unveiled Apex Code – I promise this year’s announcements won’t disappoint).

Also, I just saw the plans for the Developer Lounge/Lab areas  for Dreamforce and the space looks sweet! Add to that special visiting guests from Google and Adobe’s technical teams and over 30 technical sessions, you’ll be sure to get immersed in world of on-demand development, whether you’re new to the platform or an experienced Apex programmer. We’ll even have a Wii where you can show off your Bowling or Golf skills!

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