The ADN team has been working long nights during the final stretch to Dreamforce to deliver the ultimate conference experience for our developer community. If you’re already registered, get ready to be blown away by three days of learning, innovation and fun. I’ve already sat through over 20 presentation dry-runs and the amount of high-quality content that will be delivered by platform experts is amazing. There will be dedicated sessions that span all platform topics (Apex Code, API, SOA, Flex, etc.) and experience levels (from non-coder to hardcore programmers).

If you attended Dreamforce as a developer in past years, you’ll be impressed by how we’ve raised the bar again this year. For example, here’s a sneak peek of what the Developer Lounge will look like…

Within the Lounge are 4 distinct spaces:

1. ADN Theater – 4 demo stations with massive plasmas manned by platform experts
2. ADN Lab – 12 hands-on stations for you to play with the latest platform features
3. Meetup Space – casual space for birds-of-a-feather and Meet the Product Manager gatherings
4. Nintendo Wii game area – win prizes in a Wii gaming tournament sponsored by Theikos

Dreamforce ticketholders, get ready to:

  1. See the latest platform announcements first-hand
  2. Provision your Developer Edition account with the latest platform
    technology we’ll announce (that’s right, Dreamforce attendees will get first-dibs)
  3. Get your toughest technical questions answered by’s R&D team
  4. Immerse yourself in 30+ developer breakout sessions
  5. Meet evangelists from Google and Adobe as they show you how to extend your Salesforce apps with their latest technologies
  6. Challenge fellow attendees and our ADN evangelists to a round of Wii Golf (I hear Ron Hess has been practicing).
  7. Party with INXS during the Monday evening Gala event
  8. Be inspired by top developers that have built entire companies on the AppExchange
  9. Feel the pulse of the on-demand industry by watching keynotes featuring luminaries like John Chambers and exploring over 150 sponsor booths (and pickup cool giveaways along the way).
  10. Enjoy the balmy San Francisco weather

What? You haven’t registered yet? Register today and use discount code "DEV100" by September 13th and receive $100 off!

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