

The team is wrapping up Day 1 at Dreamforce 2008 – we thank the 1,000s of developers that made it out to the event this year and stopped by the Tour de Force Zone to say hello. Today started with multiple platform announcements including our latest Sites technology as well as tools that allow developers to use to build apps for Facebook and to leverage Amazon Web Services. We also held our first-ever hackathon for the community, Monday Nite Sites, a football-themed event where we saw experienced community veterans and first-timers alike participate in a friendly 2-hour competition before we all got to watch the Foo Fighters.

If you didn’t make it out to Dreamforce, we’ve got you covered when it comes to Sites and new content – you can signup for the Sites preview webinar and also get the latest addition to the library, a brand-new 500-page Developer Guide that we released at Dreamforce today.

For commercially-inclined developers, we saw capacity crowds attending sessions to learn how to build their SaaS companies on the platform as partners. For those of you in the Bay Area, it’s not to late to get in on the Dreamforce action – come to Partner Summit on Wednesday afternoon for a free half-day event and learn how to build your company on the platform.

Day 2 of Dreamforce promises to be just as exciting – we’ve got a whole set of application announcements planned and look forward to delivering a full set of sessions and also celebrating together at our party. Don’t forget to vote and stay tuned for more updates!

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