This morning I spent some time looking at how the community uses the Developer Force site. I’ve been planning for some time to put together a comprehensive program to recognize outstanding individual contributors across the many different channels in our community but have been suffering from the problem of having too much to do, and not enough time to do it — a familiar problem for many of you I’m sure.

Ultimately, I’d like to tie together participation in the discussion boards, activity in the Chatter Developer zone, contributions to Code Share, wiki, external (to SFDC) publications, talks, developer group organization, and other channels I may be missing. Anybody have thought on how to weight these activities for value, and other channels to suggest? Throw out your thoughts in the comments.

In the meantime, I’ve been tracking the top discussion board contributors each month. For May, the top three community posters were:

1. The mysteriously named Ahab1372

2. Perennial favorite Stevemo

3. Overall top contributor for the year so far Bob_buzzard

Let’s all give a collective thanks to these top contributors and pat each other on the back for building a supportive developer environment. Great job everybody!

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