This week, June 8-10th, eBay is hosting their annual Developer Conference in San Jose CA. This conference is typically a great event which speaks directly to the power of the web as an e-commerce platform now, and in the near future. On Wednesday, June 9th at 11:10, I am co-presenting with Jon Jessup, CEO of Cloud Conversion. The title of the session is Leveraging the Power of the Force.

The presentation will be a mix of a brief introduction to the platform,  cover the use of some of the eBay APIs and how to successfully use as an e-commerce platform. Having spent many years building e-commerce sites both on-premise and in-the-cloud, I see many opportunities still available and waiting to be tapped. One such example is a really compelling e-commerce suite in the cloud which includes shopping carts, campaign management, dynamic ads based on session information for authenticated or anonymous users etc. With Sites, the possibilities are ripe for individuals or corporations to take advantage of the technology, and build something amazing. Throw in Salesforce Chatter and all of a sudden you have an innovative e-commerce site which informs the shopper when prices change, new promotions on a certain item are available etc. Sprinkle in a little bit of HTML5 for offline capabilities and you could build something ground-breaking and truly game-changing!

Four steps to building an app: Data model, security & sharing, forms, layouts & visual design, business rules
If you are in San Jose this week, or already planning to attend, make sure you drop by the eBay Developer Conference and come say hi. I would love to chat more about what is possible on the platform.

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