I wanted to remind you that we have the first in our series of VMforce webinars beginning this Thursday. The first webinar will take a slightly different angle from many of our previous webinars and will focusing on answering the question "I am a Force.com developer, why should I be interested in VMforce? How can I take advantage of VMforce?"


If you have seen any of the previous announcements about VMforce you already know that VMforce leverages the power of the Java language, and the Spring Framework to be able to build and deploy enterprise Java apps in the cloud. What this also means is that Force.com developers can leverage the functionality provided by these apps too!

I am firm believer that developers and architects should look at the technology landscape like a garage filed with tools – a well trained mechanic will not only know the right tool for the job, but also have access to these tools quickly and easily. Just because you know you need a philips-head screwdriver doesn't help you if you don't have the tool in your toolbox. VMforce is a lot like this for Force.com developers. Step 1 is know what's in your toolbox. That is the goal of this Thursday's webinar.

One of the most powerful aspects (no pun intended for those already familiar with Spring) of VMforce is the support for the Spring Framework to greatly simplify Java development. This weeks webinar I am co-presenting with Josh Long, Developer Advocate from SpringSource, to introduce Spring to Force.com developers, and put it in terms Force.com developers understand. 

We are presenting twice to ensure that times work across the globe. I expect there will be an active question and answer session at the end which, if we don't get to all the questions, I will attempt to answer them via a follow up blog post. Some of the answers may point your towards the second webinar in the series which will cover a more deep dive on technical aspects of VMforce.

Below are the times of this Thursday's webinar.. Make sure you sign up and I will see you then!!

Spring for Force.com Developers

  • August 26, 2010 | 6:00 a.m. PDT / 2:00 p.m. GMT 
  • August 26, 2010 | 10:00 a.m. PDT

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