Tis the season for conferences it seems. In a month, another of my favorite conferences, PayPal X, kicks off in San Francisco on October 26th. I will be there co-presenting with Jon Jessup from Cloud Conversion on how to leverage the Force.com for e-Commerce. (You can see a full line of sessions here)
If you remember a few months ago, Salesforce and Paypal teamed up to present the PayPal X toolkit for Force.com to help kick start the innovation and open up the possibilities of more companies leveraging both platforms. There is always more opportunities when technologies converge. To ensure that developers don't miss out on the opportunities, PayPal has provided members of the Force.com community with a special discount code that gives $100 off the conference pass. All you have to do is go to the conference's website, register and enter the discount code "LETSINNOVATE"
I hope to see you there!