It's spring again and your users' minds are turning to one thing and one thing only: college basketball.

Yes, that's right: it's time for the NCAA's "March Madness" Men's College Basketball Tournament.  This year, for the first time ever, your users can have fun in your org while staying focused on work with a new tournament management app from Labs, Brackets.

Brackets is simple.  You install it from the AppExchange and import a tournament.  Your imported tournament includes all the teams and match ups–no data entry required.  Users join a pool and make predictions.  As the tournament progresses, users are automatically ranked based on the accuracy of their predictions and can check their standings on the Leaderboard.

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We're excited to annouce that this year's tournament feed will be provide by our good friends at Model Metrics.  Read about what they're doing.

Brackets features two modes of play so it's fun for the whole office.  The first is the traditional up-front prediction game.  You make your predictions at the beginning of the tournament and the chips fall where they may.  This is great for true basketball afficianodos.  Brackets also helps more casual users stay engaged using a special round-by-round prediction model.  Each user has a chance to start fresh at the beginning of each new round.

Installation is easy.  You follow the same procedure as installing any app from the AppExchange.  Once complete, you click a single button to import your tournament.  The import process creates two default pools as well, one for full-tournament predictions and another for round-by-round.

Brackets is available for installation and testing with a sample tournament today.  The men's college basketball tournament starts with some play-in games on March 15, and with the normal tournament on March 17.  You can start to deploy Brackets with the final tournament on March 14 and the system will automatically update the match ups based on the results of the play-in games.

Brackets is a free app from Labs and is compatible with DE, FFE, EE and UE.  Try it today!

Update: Brackets was featured over on  

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