Next month, I’ll be speaking at 360|Flex to show how easy it is to build mobile Flex applications which leverage Chatter for enterprise social networking. The conference is in Denver, from April 10th to the 13th, and there’s lots of awesome Flex and AIR technology to see there. I’ll be showing off some feats of strength using the REST API and Chatter on a shiny new Motorola Xoom.

Well, it probably won’t be all that shiny by that time, if the workout it’s gotten this week is any predictor. Even though the Hero build of Flash Builder, which includes all the tools to deploy to Android devices, is still a beta – it is remarkably easy to develop and deploy applications with it. If you’re an Android user, check out the excellent Tour de Mobile Flex (you’ll need the Android version of AIR as well) to get a taste.

Keep an eye on this space, I’ll be updating with teasers and tips ramping up to the conference. My session is on Wednesday afternoon, hope to see you there!

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