I was looking at my calendar and realized that this time next week Mike Leach and I will be done with our Developing Mobile iPhone and iPad apps for Force.com webinar. It is amazing how quickly time flies with the webinar registration opening a little over a week ago (slots are filling up fast, so please register if you haven't done so already).

I've been heads done doing a lot (translation – I have no life, just ask the folks at my local Starbucks if you don't believe me) of Objective C, updating, and adding new samples for the Force.com toolkit for iOS. One thing that I found when revisiting the samples was that, if you are new to the language, the basic sample was a lot to digest. I decided to write a new super simple example I'll share as part of the webinar. This super simple example focuses on the initial setup sets you need when diving into building custom apps for iOS devices.

Ipad But I know super simple doesn't always cut it. I'm also working on some more complex examples which truly takes advantage of the form factor of the iPad and the ability to have my database in the cloud. (stay tuned for more on this!) You will even see in the sample app as part of the toolkit I've added a sample using forward geocoding to take an Account's address and look it up via Google's geocode services to plot an account on a MapView component.

That's about it. Don't forget to register for the webinar!

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