Isvforce paris promo

Calling all developers and independent software vendors (ISVs) living in France, we’d love to meet you! Join us for ISVforce Paris on July 7th, our first ever event dedicated solely to those living in l’hexagone who wish to build the next wave of enterprise cloud apps that are open, mobile and social.

ISVforce Paris is your ticket to getting a jump-start on going from idea to app, using, the most proven PaaS leader for coders, business experts and ISVs. So register today for free, and join us in the city of lights for a morning of enablement and inspiration. You will get the download from successful ISV partners like Viadeo, Cameleon Software, Xactium, and Emailvision and learn first-hand why ISVforce equips you with the right technology and programs to succeed in the cloud, fast.

Register today, and à bientôt!

UPDATED 6/26: This post was revised to reflect updates to the participating partner lists, as well as add a reference to a latest press release designating as a PaaS leader by independent research firm Forrester Research, Inc.

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