When the time came round to submit sessions for Dreamforce 2011, our cousins at Heroku were just rolling out the public beta of their new Celadon Cedar stack, including Node.js support, while, here at Force.com, the Streaming API was moving towards its limited developer preview. Node.js’ event-driven behavior seemed well suited for the Streaming API and, investigating a little, I discovered the Faye project, which implements the Bayeux protocol (used by the Force.com Streaming API) in both Node.js and Ruby.

A bit of tweaking here, a bit of bashing there and a little help from my friends resulted in a simple chat server with Force.com as its back end, a Visualforce page for internal users, and a Node.js interface to the outside world, the latter running, of course, on Heroku.

Join me at 2pm on Wednesday August 31st in Moscone West 2020 for Event-Driven Programming with Node.js and the Force.com Streaming API – I’ll explain how all those parts fit together and, if there’s time, I’ll throw in a bonus integration, free of charge!

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