Sometimes in life things just seem to fall into place like a game of Tetris. Take my recent lovefest with the Play! web framework for Java and Scala for instance (I’ve checked btw – my love for Play! is entirely legal in all 50 states). As I explained in that post, Play! has really caught my fancy of late and I’ve been playing (sorry, couldn’t resist) with it for the last couple of weeks. And this past weekend I found out that we’ve added a Play! session to the Dreamforce schedule. Talk about perfect timing! I’m definitely going to to be at the session to find out more about the framework and if you’d like to join, the session is titled ‘Introducing Play! Framework: Painless Java and Scala Web Applications’ and it’s on Wednesday August 31st from 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Oh, and while I have your attention Java developers, please indulge me with one shameless plug. I’m presenting a session on ‘Building Java Applications with the Java SDK’ on Thursday September 1st (1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.) that will cover the new JPA adapter (aka the ‘Java SDK’) that allows you to use or as the data persistence layer for your Java application. If that’s something up your alley, come on down and join us on Sept. 1st.

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