Documentation and User Assistance–the Doc Team for short–will be out in force numbers at Dreamforce this year. We would love to talk to you about, well, anything, but especially about how we can create the right kinds of user assistance to help you be successful, faster. Did you notice something missing recently? Do you have an idea for a cool video? Is there a section you’d like to see improved, or a subject expanded upon? We would love any and all suggestions. And here’s a promise: If you give a Doc Team member a printout marked up in red ink showing us what questions you had, and where, we will make sure the writer responsible for that section gets it, and that it’ll be reviewed for future inclusion in the docs (#safeharbor here, naturally).
Of course, we’d love to know what you think we’re doing well, too! We love what we do, and nothing motivates us to keep doing it like knowing that we’re helping our customers be successful. Bend our ears about something you like, and you may get a whole lot more of it.
We hope you have a great Dreamforce, and be sure to let us know how we can help you make the best of it. Come talk to us!