We are qu ickly approaching 5,000 followers on Twitter – hooorray! Here’s to all the sharing, questions, feedback, and fun bantering from our followers. To honor all of  you, we are going to have a random drawing of a rockin Jambox JAWBONE* to one of our followers once we reach the magic mark.  Tweet this post and be sure to follow @forcedotcom by the time we hit 5K to have a chance to win.

And now to some of our favorite tweets of the past week from the world of Force.com:

Luke Cushanick

AlwaysThinkinLuke Cushanick

 Beautiful powerful app demo from #foretuit at NYC @forcedotcom user group. Serious data calculus going on under the HTML 5 icing.
Brian Goodyear
brianbhcBrian Goodyear
 Hungry for a @forcedotcom sandwich,@libraondemand stacked with @silverlinecrm calendar anything app. Wash down with @WoodchuckCider
Robin Strahan
RobinStrahanRobin Strahan
Following the #visualworkflow #forcewebinar right now. Very powerful tool. Building force.com sites with clicks just got even easier!!

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