This is a guest blog post from Naveed Anwar from X.commerce.

An Early Look at the Future of Commerce

When developers get together to launch products, trade ideas and check out each other’s work, it’s like getting a sneak peek at the future. These aren’t just new tools coming down the pike—they’re cloud- and mobile-based capabilities that will soon transform and enhance every aspect of our daily lives. We all need to get involved in shaping these changes.

That’s why we’re looking forward to the X.commerce Innovate Developer Conferenceat the Moscone Center in San Francisco on Oct. 12-13. At the event the newest division at eBay Inc., X.commerce which connects developers and merchants through commerce technology will debut its open commerce operating system.

Consumers now use a broad range of cloud-based and other technology-driven trends to do their shopping. In this new world, it’s up to developers, technology companies and merchants to create new tools and capabilities that offer consumers a seamless commerce experience. That’s the goal of this event.

As a special offer for the developer community, we have set aside a limited number of FREE conference passes (it’s $599 onsite). Register for the conference using INNOVATEFORCE and the price will drop to $0.  Hurry, availability is on a first come first served basis.

Naveed (The BaldGeek)

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