In case you missed Katie’s post a while back, we have a contest underway through the holidays for your best, secret recipe for the Cookbook.
To rehash the details: submit your recipe before Dec 31 at 11:59pm to enter the judging to possibly win a MacBook AIR.
The same process we usually undertake for recipes apply: our staff here will look at your recipe to determine the following:
- Is the problem being addressed relevant?
- Is the solution unique?
- We may also provide feedback on stylistic elements (wording, elegance of code, etc)
At the beginning of January, our editor may be getting in touch with you with feedback on your submission, and ask for certain elements to be redrafted. Sometime in mid-January, we’ll be announcing the winner of the MacBook AIR. That’s it!
Good luck to all, and thank you to everybody who has already submitted your recipe!