Who in the Salesforce Developer Community inspires you? Who is it that has encouraged you to try new tools, taught you new tricks, and helped out when you ran into a coding wall? Who writes that blog you never miss a post on, and whose profile do you always look at when you’re spending time on the Discussion Boards or Stack Exchange? Now’s the time to recognize them, because nominations for Force.com MVPs are now open!
Being a Force.com MVP is to be recognized for exceptional leadership in and contributions to the Salesforce Developer Community. We’re accepting nominations for the Summer ’13 MVP class until September 13, 2013. Check out the list of current Force.com MVPs, and remember they all hold their position for one year and can be re-nominated for their prior year’s leadership. To make a nomination, please email me with the name of the person you’d like to nominate along with a brief explanation of why. Include links to projects, blogs, GitHub repos, etc. – anything you think will help explain why you’re making the nomination.
Thank you for being a part of the Salesforce Developer Community and helping to recognize your peers!