Add the #DF24 Developer Keynote to your agenda. Join us in-person on 9/18 at 2:30 p.m. PT or on Salesforce+ at 5 p.m. PT for the must-see session built just for developers.

Next Thursday, I’ll be joining Zack Gramana of Xamarin on a webinar to get an overview of their recently released Salesforce SDK Component, one of the many new mobile packs. Xamarin is the provider of a cross-platform tools for creating iOS, Mac and Android applications using the C# programming language.  So if all those brackets that Objective-C is so proud of makes your head ache – Xamarin might just be the painkiller you’ve been wanting.

Zach will have a post here on next week to go into more detail, but if you want to get a spot in line early – register now for the webinar.  It will take place on Thursday, August 22nd at 8AM Pacific – AKA 10AM Central or 11AM Eastern.  We’ll go into some highlights of Salesforce Platform Mobile Services, Xamarin’s developer tools, and show some code excerpts of an application running on the mobile pack..

For those of you wanting to attend the Winter ’14 Preview Webinar (which should be like … all of you) – no fear, this webinar is either right after the early slot or before the second slot.

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