Get Cloud Certified

Get Your Cert On

This year’s DevZone is the best yet for developers who are pursuing certification at any level. With a variety of workshops, trainings, and sessions focused on helping you walk away from Dreamforce knowing what you need to do to get on the path to certification.

Just as a reminder, the developer certification path includes Developer, Advanced Developer, and Technical Architect certification, in other words all of the blue badges in the figure above. For details on each of these, you’ll want to visit the Certification website.

Please note that all links to sessions below require you to register for Dreamforce and be logged into the Dreamforce Attendee Portal.

Certified Developer

Your first stop on the developer certification path is Certified Developer. If this is your current port of call, then you’ll want to check out the workshop, Get Started on the Certified Developer Credential. This session will walk you through the basics of the entry step of the Developer certification.

Certified Advanced Developer

If you’ve already achieved your Developer credential, or are in process to achieve your advanced developer credential, there are a number of activities to take part in.

Come to the session I Passed the Advanced Developer Certification, and you will meet three developers who have recently achieved the Advanced Developer credential. Each will share, from their own perspective, the highs and lows of going through the process of getting the Advanced Developer certification. Each shares how the certification process itself has helped make them a better developer.

If you want a more behind-the-scenes point of view, we’ve prepared a panel of judges, assignment writers, and experts who are familiar with the inner workings of this certification. After a short presentation, the floor will be opened to your questions for a discussion about what it takes to achieve the certification. To take part in this, sign up for Advanced Developer Certification Preparation: Expert Tips. Certified Technical Architect

The pinnacle of certification at it Technical Architect. For those interested in this program, there will be a repeat of last year’s Technical Architect Certification: Learn From Our Experts session. Here again, a panel of experts will walk through the details of the certification, how they prepared, what it took to succeed, and then be available for questions. There will also be general information on preparation in Workshop: Get Started on the Certified Technical Architect Credential

Get Certified!

Every Dreamforce there is a certification event where hundreds of people sit their certification exams. This year is no different, with the event being from 7:30-9:00 AM on Monday 18 November. Unfortunately, this event is already at capacity, but you can contact the Dreamforce Registration team to sign up on the waiting list.

There will also be workshops and activities for Admin and Consultant path certifications easily available in the agenda builder.

So get registered for Dreamforce today and jumpstart your certification!

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