Welcome to this week’s edition of Salesforce.com’s Women in Tech Wednesday roundup! #SFWITWednesday

This week, we had a lot of great news coming our way – both heartwarming and inspiring – and they all have a central theme. Whether you are a mom frustrated that your daughter is the only girl in her summer camp, or a large company who wants to see more diversity, size is inconsequential when you are working towards ‘debugging inclusion’.

To Get More Women Technology Leaders, Let’s Start By Fixing Summer Camp

“Shereen Shermak, chief executive of Boston’s Launch Angels, shares her thoughts on how to get more girls interested in — and sticking with — technology, starting with a youth staple: Summer Camp.”

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This Ad Asks What It Means To Do Something ‘Like A Girl’

“How would it make you feel if someone told you you threw like a girl? Or ran like a girl? Given its history as a schoolyard insult, it would be no surprise if you didn’t take the description as a compliment. In this Always ad a handful of adults are to imitate running, throwing and fighting like a girl. The results are predictable. The amazing part comes when young girls are asked the same questions.”

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Robotics in a new world – Presented by Women Techmakers

“At this year’s Google I/O, the third annual Women Techmakers panel, focused on women working on robotics projects at Google. The panel had advice for the standing-room only audience of several hundred people. Nest vice president of technology Yoky Matsuoka, Google X hardware engineer Gabriella Levine, and Google X systems engineer Jaime Waydo talked about their histories building robots prior to working for Google, and what drove them to robotics in the first place.”

Watch the video here:

Why Men With Daughters May Be The Key To Closing The Gender Wage Gap

“Research shows that dads with daughters are simply more aware of the obstacles faced by women in the workplace. Fathers tend to become more protective of daughters and want all the opportunities to be there for them. As a daughter begins to experience some of the barriers that girls and women still do experience, it can be an awareness-creating experience for the father who has never really thought about this before”

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Google To Pay For Women, Minorities In Tech To Learn More Code

“At the Women Techmakers Robotics panel that closed out Google I/O, the tech titan says that it will pay for ‘thousands’ of women and minorities already in tech to advance their skills.”

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Women Outnumber Men in the Next Nashville Software School Cohort

“Nashville Software School (NSS) produces some of the best technical talent in the nation, and their upcoming six month session has over 50% participating. Interestingly, NSS is the only tech education program in Nashville with an equal number of men and women on full time staff.”

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Register for Salesforce Summer Of Hackathon Series – Compete At A Location Near You!

“This app building competition is unique in that you get to pitch your ideas and form teams onsite before hacking begins. The number of ideas that will move onto the next round is limited so be ready to approach the idea presenter as soon as the advancing ideas are announced.”

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What other Women in Tech news did you see this week? How do you feel about these articles? Post in your comments below!

Sukrutha BhadouriaAbout the blogger:  Sukrutha Bhadouria is a Sr Member of Technical Staff at salesforce.com, and the Managing Director of Bay Area Girl Geek Dinners. Follow Sukrutha on Twitter @sukruthasays and follow Salesforce WIT @salesforcewit to keep tabs on other great content and WIT events.

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