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Top o’ the mornin to you from London!. The last hackathon of this year’s Salesforce Summer of Hacks kicked-off on a rainy, hot UK afternoon with nearly 100 hackers in attendance. This time we were in East London’s historic Shoreditch Village Hall in Hoxton Square.

The weekend was filled with over 42 cracking app ideas which led to the formation of 26 teams. We had local Londonites, folks from India and some hackers from Hong Kong present this past weekend. They worked long days and even longer nights as Friday and Saturday passed. Luckily the pizza, burgers, sushi and frozen yogurt fueled their talented minds throughout the weekend.

Sunday morning quickly approached and was filled with a mix of nervousness and excitement.  By the end,l 14 teams remained standing and demoed their apps to our judges: Neil Crawford, Andy Mahood, Alex Fuller, Andrew Fawcett and Simon Goodyear.  They deliberated for almost 2 hours taken their task very seriously. Meanwhile our hackers enjoyed some fun, games and much needed sunshine to pass the time. That evening the winners were announced.

Congratulations to our winners: Accident Alert, 1st place, won $8,000

Second place went to: Warrantor, 2nd place, won $3,000. And last but not least: Text Relay, 3rd place, won $1,500

Thank you London for a jolly good time! Cheers from Salesforce and your Salesforce Developer Community.

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