Every year one of the highlights of the Developer experience at Dreamforce is the Developer Keynote. The keynote is our opportunity to share what the newest platform features for developers are, present tech trends we are seeing across our many customers, and what developers can do to build the next wave of revolutionary apps. The past two years, the keynote has sold out. To avoid missing out, register now. If you aren’t able to join us in person, we’ll be live streaming this keynote for the first time ever on SalesforceLive!
Here is a sneak peak of what you can expect.
Yes, those Transformers. Aside from being blockbuster movies, and a glimpse into many of our favorite childhood toys, we have Transformers in the keynote! Why? Well, you’ll have to register for the keynote and join us to find out, but a hint is that Transformers are great at change. It’s time to change how we build apps on the Salesforce1 Platform. During the keynote we will show you how.
App Trends
App development trends are demanding us to iterate fast. Enterprise apps need to be as beautiful as consumer apps, and updated just as quickly as our favorite app in the Apple App Store, or Google Play. The need for faster, more collaborative approaches to development are leading all the major tech companies to invest in new development models and tools. We will examine these trends, give you the tools on how to be successful.
Developer & Customer Experience
What makes the developer experience that you fall in love with? Typically, it’s a combination of powerful tools, innovative approaches to building apps, and great collaboration. Times have changed. It used be that, when developing apps, you could adjust 3 levers: time, scope, or quality. But what it really comes down to is how quickly you can get your app into the hands of your users. Iterate on feedback, and make sure they love it! We’ve got some unbelievable announcements to help you do just that.
Real Demos
One of the great things about the Salesforce1 Platform is that you can build real apps, fast. This means we can build apps live on stage. At times it can be stressful (try finding that syntax error in front of 5,000 other developers and you will get an idea of what we mean), suspensful (did it work as we had practiced?), and, if everything does go according to plan, simply awesome. That’s how demos should be. We are all developers after all, we like to build cool apps. Why should a keynote be any different?
One more thing…
Taking a page from Steve Jobs, we’ve got one more thing to share with you during the keynote. It’s not only the future of Salesforce development, but will provide the insight into how the Salesforce1 Platform is much, much, more than you might have realized. Forget what you know about app dev productivity. It’s time to hit the turbo boost.
Come join us on Wednesday, October 15th at 10:30am in person or via SalesforceLive for all the latest announcements, some transformers, killer demos, and a whole bunch of developer mojo. It’s Developer Keynote time!
See you there.