Add the #DF24 Developer Keynote to your agenda. Join us in-person on 9/19 at 2:30 p.m. PT or on Salesforce+ at 5 p.m. PT for the must-see session built just for developers.

The last few months have seen an incredible evolution in Salesforce1 Platform developer education. One part of that is Trailhead, the self-service, self-paced online portal where literally anyone can go and learn more about the platform at their convenience. If you haven’t tried Trailhead yet STOP READING RIGHT NOW AND GO TRY IT.  Then come back.

You’re back?  OK.

I’m also extremely excited about the four hands-on Salesforce workshops we debuted at Dreamforce. 

I’m excited about these Salesforce workshops because they’re designed in such a way that anyone can deliver them. That’s right — anyone. In fact, we designed this brand new content during the late summer, and then tested it in front of user groups and at Elevate training events, with the specific goal of having people from the community deliver it at Dreamforce.  And boy did they ever! Every session was full, and we had great feedback from attendees, all of whom got hands-on with technology they hadn’t used before.

Today, these hands-on workshops are ready for you — yes, YOU! — to deliver. Maybe you want to help your fellow user group attendees build their first custom app. Maybe you want to help your developer co-workers get their arms around what it’s like to work on the Salesforce1 Platform. Or maybe you want to help a group of experienced admin friends take the leap into writing triggers.

And delivering these is easy.  Check out the links for each of the workshops.  There is the workshop itself, leader slides and a sample video you can watch to see how someone else taught it.

Introduction to Point-And-Click App Building Target audience: beginner admins who understand core apps like Sales Cloud and Service Cloud, but want to learn how to make their own custom apps. Workbook | Slides | Sample Video

Introduction to Coding for Admins and Non-Coders Target audience: intermediate admins who want to take their Salesforce knowledge to the next level. Assumes no knowledge of code or coding principles. Workbook | Slides | Sample Video

Introduction to Development on for Developers Target audience: developers with experience writing code and apps on other platforms, but who are new to The Salesforce1 Platform. Workbook | Slides | Sample Video

Intermediate Development on Heroku and Target audience: developers with experience writing code and apps on other platforms, and who have some exposure to the Salesforce1 Platform, such as the introductory workshop above. Workbook | Slides | Sample Video

Whatever your reason, I would like encourage you to organize and hold your own workshop. Leading a workshop is a great way get deeper into your local community while solidfying your knowledge of Salesforce at the same time.

If I can help, please drop me a note via Twitter @ReidCarlberg or email. I’d love to hear about your plans and how your trainings go!

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