It’s almost time for Dreamforce 2018 and we want YOU to speak! We’re officially launching our Call for Presentations for the Developer Track today. We’re looking for Salesforce Developers who want to share their knowledge and best practices with the developer community and help fellow Trailblazers skill up, grow, and succeed.

We’ll be closing our Call for Presentations on July 15, 2018. Our aim is to have all acceptances out by August 4, 2018. New to speaking or never attended Dreamforce before? No worries! If you’re knowledgeable and passionate about your topic, you’re already off to a good start. We love first-time speakers and we’ll provide support as you prepare for your talk, including a great Public Speaking Skills module on Trailhead.

What’s the difference between types of sessions?

We have two types of sessions for the Developer Track at Dreamforce: Breakout sessions and theater sessions.

Breakout sessions will be in 40-minute blocks and held in dedicated rooms with seats. We recommend you plan 30-35 minutes for your presentation, leaving the last 5-10 minutes for questions and discussion. A breakout session is ideal if you want to dive deep into your topic.

Theater sessions will be in 20-minute blocks and are held on stages throughout the expo floor. There will be some seating available. These shorter sessions are ideal for overviews and new topics.

What makes a good proposal?

First, you’ll need to start with a good Session Title. Your title should be concise, match what you’re covering, and be interesting to Salesforce Developers. At Dreamforce, there are tons of options for content, so make the title of your session clear.

The Session Abstract field is where you’ll give a short paragraph to quickly tell us what you’re going to talk about. Be creative! Don’t just explain your slide deck, but share your ideas for interacting with the audience: What are you going to build/demo? What discussion will you lead? What will your audience be able to take home with them and show to their companies? Your abstract will eventually be published on public-facing materials and this will be an opportunity to pitch to attendees on why they should attend your session (as well as why our team should select your session to be at Dreamforce!).

Sitting on more than one presentation idea? We ask that you submit a separate proposal for each topic.

What should my topic be?

We’re looking for fun, engaging sessions that provide actionable content that helps Salesforce Developers build their skills, elevate their careers, and deliver innovative technology solutions for their companies. Here are a few session ideas we’d like to see:

  • How to Build a Lightning App from Start to End
  • A Beginner’s Guide to Lightning Components
  • Process Automation: Actions, Process Builder, or Lightning Flow?

That’s just scratching the surface! We want to hear any and all of your ideas for developer content, so tell us what you want to present.

What’s next?

Once you’ve submitted your proposal, it will be reviewed by our core team. You will hear from us by August 4, 2018 letting you know the status of your submission. If your session is accepted, you will be connected with a session owner to guide you through the preparation process, including feedback on your content and practice sessions.

You will also receive a speaker pass to attend Dreamforce 2018. If you’ve already registered to attend, you’ll get instructions on how to either refund that registration or transfer to a co-worker.

Ready to submit your presentation idea for Salesforce Developers at Dreamforce 2018? Complete the form under Admin and Developer Call for Presentations by July 15, 2018. We look forward to your idea!

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