Salesforce is excited to announce that we have been working with CircleCI to make Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) easier to set up. Many Salesforce development teams already use CircleCI as their DevOps solution so we thought it was only natural to team up and make using CircleCI with Salesforce even better.

Today we are launching our first CircleCI orb. Orbs are reusable chunks of configuration that you can call as part of your DevOps pipeline and workflow. CircleCI maintains a registry of these sharable packages of configuration that they, along with their partners, have built. This way anyone using CircleCI can drop these repeatable configuration orbs into their CI/CD pipelines with ease. CircleCI will provide Salesforce specific orbs that perform common tasks for your DevOps pipeline.

Our first orb installs Salesforce CLI, authenticates to your devhub, and creates a scratch org. This repeatable unit of configuration can be added to your pipeline. You can check it out here, along with CircleCI’s step-by-step instructions on how to use it.

This is just our first orb and we plan on collaborating on more in 2020 to build out a full suite for a variety of different use cases. Your team will be able to string together different orbs to create a robust CI/CD pipeline for your Salesforce development. We are excited to see how you all use this orb and want to hear from you about what orbs you would like to see in the future.

Interested in learning more about how to set up CI/CD with CircleCI or another CI/CD tool? Go to the Continuous Integration section of the Salesforce DX Developer Guide for some step-by-step guides, example repositories for a variety of vendors (both org dev and package dev), and links to helpful Trailhead modules.

Please post in the comments of this blog or tweet us at @SalesforceDevs with the hashtag #sfdxorbs regarding future orbs for Salesforce you would like to see.

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