If you watched our recent Salesforce Low Code Love virtual event and AMA Afterparty, you may have had some #LowCodeLove or #SFDevChat questions for our product managers! Unfortunately we didn’t have time to go through them all during our live event, so we’re happy to share that we have answers below from some of the product managers who were in attendance.

Question: I’d love to have more clarity on how order of execution works for things like Flows vs. Triggers and Processes. At the moment there’s only a page in the help, and knowing the implications of execution order is crucial for orgs in which there are declarative and programmatic automations. Are you planning to create content that helps understanding this problem? A Trailhead module would be amazing.

Answer from Tim Peng, Automation: We’re definitely getting the signal loud & clear that it’s really important to understand exactly what will happen, in what order, when a record is created/edited/deleted, and that it’s really hard to figure out right now. Publishing more content certainly would help clarify the model, but only so many people “read the manual.” We’re thinking hard about providing an in-product solution, in which anyone can navigate to a page in their org to see exactly what will happen specifically in their org when a particular record for a given object type is created/edited/deleted. We’ll probably implement a two-pronged approach of releasing content + product; it’s all a matter of cost & timeline.

When developers are creating components to use, should they be building in Aura or Lightning Web Components?

Answer from Greg Rewis, @garazi, UI Platform: Lightning Web Components are built on open Web Standards, and is the technology that teams are using internally at Salesforce. While we realize that there has been a lot of work done in Aura, and we will continue to support the Aura framework, we recommend that any net-new component work be done in LWC.

When will Lightning Emails be able to be used in Automations?

Answer from Sam Reynard, @samreynard, Automation: We plan to start improving the email functionality in flow soon! Top of mind is allowing you to send rich-text emails from Flow, but support for Classic and Lightning templates is also on the roadmap. In the meantime, we do have a community-maintained action that delivers this same functionality. On UnofficialSF.com , check out the “Send Rich Email” action.

What are some cool new features that are coming for In-App Guidance and Walkthroughs?

Answer from Tim Dubois, In-App Guidance: We have a really exciting roadmap for In-App Guidance and Walkthroughs. Safe Harbor of course, but we will be providing URLs to invoke a Walkthrough or Prompt and also giving some Theming capabilities so you can add some color to them. We’ll also let you add Images to the prompts with various layouts, add prompts that point to things (which has been a big ask), and also triggering of prompts based on actions or rules – just to name a few.

What is the future of Profiles, Permission Sets, and Permission Set groups? When should we expect that profiles will be stripped of their permissions and we move everything to perm set groups? When will FLS be assigned to PSG via setup in addition to profiles?

Answer from Belinda Wong, @BelindaWong, Foundation Services: Our vision for Permission Management is centered around 3 key principles: Secure by Default, Secure at All Times, and Least Privileged. We continue to invest in features to make this happen, there’s just a lot of area to cover. Moving permissions from profile to permission sets and permission set groups has been a near-term priority. We found a quick way to get some tools to you via the Salesforce Labs AppExchange package known as the Profile & Permission Set Helper.

In the upcoming Summer ’20 release, you will get a “Minimum Access” standard profile so you won’t have to create an “empty” custom profile yourself. While you won’t see a Release Update (Beta in Summer ’20) telling you about end-of-life of profile permissions this year, it will come. We are using the feedback on the usability of the tools and platform capabilities to help us set the final timeline.

Thank you for asking your #LowCodeLove questions before and during the event, and we look forward to seeing you online again soon for the next #SFDevChat!

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