MuleSoft is excited to announce the general availability of Anypoint Studio 7.15! With Anypoint Studio, developers have access to a desktop IDE for integration and API development that includes pre-built modules for common integration requirements.

At MuleSoft, we’re driven to empower teams to automate workflows, deliver customer experiences, and be more productive. With Studio 7.15, we’re continuing this commitment. We’ve improved the developer experience and enhanced Studio performance across the board. We’ve also strengthened the asset import experience, and added more to CloudHub deployment options. Read on for some of the highlights from this release.

Experience Higher Performance on Windows and macOS 

We’re continuously listening to feedback from the MuleSoft community to help us improve our products. Some of the top requests for Anypoint Studio are the ability to allowlist Studio files from antivirus scans and provide native support for ARM-centric architecture. We’ve added both.

In 7.15, we’ve added the option for developers to exclude Studio files from Microsoft Defender Antivirus. This will help improve both performance and stability, enabling our users to be more productive. For those on Windows, Studio will now be even more responsive and stable.

In 7.15, you have the ability to exclude files from Microsoft Defender Antivirus, increasing performance

In addition, Studio now natively supports ARM-centric architecture. This means more performance and greater stability for users on systems like macOS.

With both of these additions, we’re helping our users experience a faster and more stable Studio — across the top operating systems.

Import More Easily from Design Center

When it comes to making developers productive, details matter. It’s not enough to make development, debugging, and deployment easy. Complementary jobs, such as importing artifacts and searching for context, are also important.

Today, importing from Design Center is easier. Developers will now get the following details and capabilities when importing API specifications and fragments from Design Center:

  • Type of asset displayed
  • Date the asset was last updated displayed
  • Improved ability to search

Get more information and context when importing assets from Design Center.

With the ability to search for fragments and specifications in Design Center from Studio, users can now spend less time searching for the assets they need and more time building workflows.

Deploy — and Redeploy

In Studio 7.14, we provided the ability for users to deploy to CloudHub 2.0. With Studio 7.15, we’re enhancing that capability.

Now, users can deploy and redeploy a Mule app to CloudHub 2.0, even if it has the same name and target as an existing one in CloudHub 2.0. This is particularly helpful for redeploying after making changes to a Mule app. As a result, developers can spend less time wrangling with deployment nuances.

In 7.15, deploy and redeploy Mule apps to CloudHub 2.0, even if it has the same name and target as an existing one.

Get Started

With the GA of our latest version of Anypoint Studio, we are excited to see developers and teams become even more productive as they build integrations and APIs. Download Anypoint Studio 7.15 today and let us know what you think.


About the author

Srini Sekaran is a product management lead for multiple products, including Anypoint Studio, MuleSoft’s IDE that thousands of developers use daily to create powerful integrations.

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