Dreamforce is returning to San Francisco and Salesforce+ on September 17–19, 2024. Mark your calendars for an epic celebration of customer success!

The Developer Track at Dreamforce 2024 is the platform for developers to deliver and absorb engaging, actionable, and memorable content that helps them drive business success and showcase their creative solutions using AI and the newest Salesforce features.

We invite you to share your expertise and experience at Dreamforce 2024. The Dreamforce 2024 Call for Participation is officially open, and we’re looking forward to receiving your session proposals!

The Dreamforce 2024 Call for Participation will remain open until Thursday, June 6, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. PT. We’ll let all submitters know their acceptance status before the end of June.

Why should you present at Dreamforce 2024?

Dreamforce is an opportunity to share your expertise and experience with our AI and core platform products. If you have implementation best practices, solution stories, or career advice, share your session idea with us! Presenting a session at Dreamforce is a great way to showcase your Salesforce expertise, strengthen your personal brand, and connect with the Salesforce technical community.

What topics are we looking for at Dreamforce 2024?

We’re looking for engaging expert sessions that provide content to help our technical audiences (developers, admins, and architects) build their skills, elevate their careers, and deliver innovative technology solutions for their organizations. We are seeking stories stories of incredible career growth, cross-department innovation, big business outcomes, dynamic demos, and more!

Here are some ideas for sessions that we’d like to see at Dreamforce 2024:

  1. Speak on a technical topic where you have deep expertise and experience. This could be about a specific feature, a solution you built, or something you feel strongly about that is supported by your personal experience. The first step in getting your audience to love listening to you is for you to love what you are saying.
  2. Share how you are using generative AI in your work. Whether you are building workstreams and solutions with a Salesforce AI product or a technology partner like OpenAI or Anthropic, explain how you are implementing AI-driven apps and using AI to assist your work.
  3. Share your expertise with new and established Salesforce features. If you have tried some of the latest Salesforce innovations, such as the new AI, Data Cloud, or automation features, consider sharing your experience with them. If you’ve had access to a pilot or beta regarding the Salesforce Platform, then you may be in a position to share your unique insight on upcoming features and changes. We are also looking for content around all Salesforce Developer, Admin, and Architect topics, including well-known and established technologies, such as Apex and Flow. Great sessions about these topics are typically very successful and hard to find, so don’t be afraid to submit your ideas!
  4. Share your tips & tricks and inspirational career insights. Have a topic that doesn’t require slides or a demo? The Community Campfire is a great place for sharing advice on networking, overcoming workplace obstacles, using AI in your job search, and any other conversational topic that will help Trailblazers excel in their careers.

Dreamforce 2024 session proposal submission process

If you’re unsure how to get started, we recommend you follow the guidance below when crafting your title, abstract, and other submission fields. If you have more than one idea you’d like to submit, please complete the submission process again for each topic. Please do not submit the same topic to multiple tracks.

When you’re ready to submit, get started by heading to the submission portal, then after logging in, scroll down to the “Session Proposal” button.

The Dreamforce 2024 Call for Participation is now open. Submit your session proposal today!

  • Proposed Title (60-character limit): The title should be something that will interest your target technical audience. Make it very clear to attendees what they’ll learn. Pro tip: Start with a verb and include the product or technology name in the title, so it’s crystal clear to your audience.
    • Example: “Unlock the Power of Einstein for Developers”
  • Proposed Abstract (200-character limit): Write a short paragraph to quickly tell us what you’re going to talk about. Be creative! Don’t just explain your slide deck, but share your ideas for interacting with the audience. What are you going to build or demo? What discussion will you lead? What will your audience take home with them and share with their teams? Address the WIIFM (what’s in it for me) benefits. Pro tip: accuracy and honesty are more important than popularity. Be careful with AI-generated titles and abstracts as they can feel inauthentic and impersonal.
    • Example: “Generative AI has taken the tech world by storm. Learn about Einstein, its latest capabilities, and how developers can use the technology to build their own AI-powered applications on Salesforce.”
    • For more writing tips, check out the Trailhead module on voice and tone.
  • Why Should This Session Be Presented at Dreamforce (1000-character limit): This section will help us identify the finer details of your proposal and, more importantly, will help attendees know why they should attend your session. We encourage you to identify 3-5 top takeaways or learnings that you’ll cover in your session. Frequently, this content helps us make a final decision regarding session selection.
    • Example: “This is a topic where I have a lot of experience as I’ve been involved in three customer implementations where data security in Experience Cloud was key. These are the main takeaways I would share in my presentation at Dreamforce: [ … ]. This will be the structure of the talk [ … ]. I’ve presented about this topic before, and the session was very successful, you can read some feedback I received here [ … ].”
  • Preferred Session Length: Sessions will be offered in 20 or 40-minute blocks. Review each of the three session options below before selecting one.
    • Community Campfire (20 minutes): These are sessions led by a Trailblazer, Tableau, MuleSoft, or Slack Community member. These informal sessions are designed to spotlight the skills, expertise, and learnings that can help elevate Trailblazers’ careers in the Salesforce ecosystem. Topics include community, career and soft skills, technical tips and tricks, etc. These sessions are conversation-focused and in a smaller venue, so they should not include demos and only use a limited number of slides.
    • Theater (20 minutes): Theater sessions show technical solutions, demos, and technical expertise. They can deep-dive into a specific product area or showcase how you built a solution across many features. While this format typically doesn’t allow time for Q&A or discussion, speakers are encouraged to answer attendee questions after their presentation.
    • Breakout (40 minutes): Breakout sessions are held in dedicated session rooms with a larger capacity. Breakout sessions are in 40-minute blocks, which gives you enough time to dive deep into a topic. The format also allows audience members to engage with you and ask questions. We recommend you plan 30 minutes for your presentation, leaving the last 10 minutes for questions and discussion.
  • Session Level: Select the level field that best applies to the technical expertise of your target audience. We want to balance introductory, intermediate, and advanced sessions, so this information can be key to selecting your session.
  • Who is the primary audience of your content: Select the appropriate audience for your session.
    • “Developer” for content most relevant to developers and people who code
    • “Administrator” for content most relevant to admins, and people building with low-code or no-code features
    • “Architect” for content that is focused on architecture skills and knowledge

Select “Developer” in the session proposal form to submit to the developer track at Dreamforce 2024.

  • What is the primary product your content speaks to: Select one product from the picklist per submission.
  • Has this presentation been presented at a Salesforce event or another event: Select yes or no from the picklist per submission.

Upon moving to page two of the submission form, input at least one proposed primary speaker for the session (yourself) and anyone else you want as a proposed co-speaker, using the email address that will be used for your Dreamforce 2024 registration. After adding your speakers, you’re done and ready to submit your proposal!

To fill the developer track with diverse and high-quality content, we only review fully completed session proposals. These are submissions that include both a topic and speakers for a session. Speaker Nominations are used by teams that have existing content and are looking for speakers to present it. Of course, you can submit your name as a speaker to be considered for a session, however, we will not be reviewing these nominations for the Developer Track.

Dreamforce receives hundreds of proposals to fill a very small number of speaking spots. Therefore, as you create your session title and abstract, think about how you can make yours stand out!

What happens next?

We’ll review your session proposal and make selections to ensure that we have the right mix of content for technical audiences. Then, before the end of June, we’ll notify you of your submission status.

If your session is accepted, a Dreamforce content owner will guide you through the preparation process, which includes feedback on your content, slide review, and rehearsal sessions. You will also receive a speaker pass to attend Dreamforce 2024. If you’ve already registered to attend, you will receive instructions on how to either refund that registration or transfer it to someone else.

If your session is not accepted, there are other events, including community conferences and developer group meet-ups that may be interested in having you present your content!

If you want to level up your content creation, audience building, and presentation skills, check out the Public Speaking Skills Trailhead module.

Ready to submit your presentation idea for Dreamforce 2024? Complete the submission process by Thursday, June 6, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. PT. We look forward to hearing your great ideas!

About the author

Kaitlin Benz is a Developer Marketing Communications Lead at Salesforce. She’s most passionate about storytelling, podcasts, and vegan food. Find her on LinkedIn.

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