This is just the beginning for the world’s first on-demand programming language, but it’s exciting to see that there are now over 1000+ participants in the Apex Code Developer Preview.  If you’re not already part of the preview, it’s not too late to check out Apex Code.  Visit this wiki page to learn how to register and self-enable your Developer Edition account for Apex Code.

We know some of you are doing or planning great things with Apex Code, and we want to tell those stories at the upcoming Salesforce Developer Conference on May 21.  If you have an app or demo, or even just some samples, let us know—we’re looking to invite some of the best developers up on stage to demo their applications.  This is your chance to show off your work and the power of Apex Code! 

The deadline for submission is May 11th.  Simply email me at to submit your demo.

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