Img80_php Many of you have been waiting anxiously for this latest release, so I am thrilled to announce the immediate release of the new PHP toolkit.  It is chock full of new features and enhancements; so much so that we bumped up the version number by an order of magnitude (v1.1 to v11.0).  😉  Actually, the version number will now match the API version number.  For those that don’t know, the PHP toolkit provides you with an easy PHP interface to make Web service calls against the API without parsing XML.

Newly supported or enhanced in this release are:
* Metadata API
* Email
* Merge
* Workflow
* EmptyRecycleBin
* Proxy Server
* LoginScopeHeader
* Header Options at the Connection Level

Click this link to enjoy.  Be sure to check out the extensive Samples section as well.

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