Well my first month or two here at developer.force.com has been absolutely hectic. There are a lot of people to meet, there’s a lot of technology to learn, newsgroups to read, wikis to garden and so on, and I feel that I’m just at the tip of the iceberg. There is so much to do.

I’ve started to blog about some of the technology I’m learning here (see Emailing Visualforce Pages Rendered as PDFs that generated some great private tweet traffic!), and I’ve just been exposed to the release of Summer ’08, and seen first hand how all of our customers were upgraded to a new platform. SaaS in action. The upgrade was almost too discreet. All of a sudden all the force.com developers have a boatload of new functionality (see the release notes on the documentation page), and it just happened.

For the next two weeks I’m off to San Francisco/Santa Clara to attend, among other things, the Tour de Force event there. After that, I’m flying back to Edinburgh for a week, and then I’m off to Dublin in Ireland, for the following Tour de Force event. If you’re going to be at any of these events, please connect with me. I’ll most likely be in the Dev Zone!

I’ll leave you with this Tour de Force advert I came across on YouTube. You know, I still don’t have one of those “no software” badges…

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