I was pleased to announce the Force.com Toolkit for Google Data APIs toolkit last month—it makes many Google services such as Calendar, Documents, Spreadsheets and so on first class citizens on the Force.com platform. I’ve even written some code to integrate with Google’s Calendar services.

I find this quite staggering: all of a sudden both clouds are mutually enriched with a lot of additional functionality. Whether you’re enhancing a CRM app with maps and spreadsheets, or building out an app on Force.com, you now have tons of new functionality available to you.

If you’re curious and want to learn more, of if you’ve just dabbled up until now, I invite you to register for the upcoming webinar: Force.com Toolkit for Google Data APIs: Everything You Need to Know. July 30, 10:00 PST.

image.gifHere’s the blurb from the registration page: The Force.com Toolkit for Google Data APIs makes many Google services first class citizens of the Force.com environment. Now you can build apps that directly access Google Documents, Calendar, Spreadsheets, Blogger and Contacts API — all directly within Apex! Attend this free developer webinar and learn how to leverage the Google APIs in your next Force.com project.

During the free live webinar, you will:

  • Learn about the Google Data APIs
  • Explore the Toolkit functionality
  • See a demonstration of an application that uses the Toolkit
  • Get all you need to start using Google Data APIs in your own applications

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