The toolkit for Facebook bits apparently had some issues, both with the instructions as well as with the bits.  In the interest of transparency, the issues with the bits were due to a lack of understanding of the flexibility of the Visualforce environment on my part.  My humble apologies.

The new version of the toolkit, currently available from Code Share, does not use custom components for FBML tags.  It was brought to my attention that it was completely unnecessary to implement it that way.  By using a standard HTML xmln attribute in an element that contains FBML tags solves the issue that I was trying to overcome.  Anyway, check out the new bits.  It should compile with out issues in your Developer Edition.

In upcoming versions of the toolkit I will be taking on the task of writing test methods to properly cover the code so that it can be deployed to a production environment.  Also, stay tuned for more detailed information on the usage of the toolkit.  I'll be addressing various things that you might want to do, such as adding Info tab information, publishing to a profile box, creating feeds and so on.

Cheers – DevAngel

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