Last week we held the Spring ’09 Release Preview webinar, and the recording is now available for you to watch. Check out the enhanced page layout editor, Sites features and other features that are coming down the line.

Our release page points to all the important stuff: release notes, descriptions and videos of features and so on.

A feature I was excited to hear about is the Broader Compatibility with External Web Services. Invoking external web services on is dead simple – just consume the WSDL and the platform generates a set of Apex classes that do all the hard work. Spring ’09 will extend the WSDL support, allowing you to consume a richer set of WSDL docs. For example, it will now support all, annotation, attribute, choice and ref WSDL features, as well as a bunch of additional schema types such as xsd:integer, xsd:NMTOKEN and so on. Good stuff!

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