We had the first kick-off of the east coast New Your City Developer Force User Group earlier this year. It was a great success, with more than 80 attendees, eager to learn about the platform.

Based on demand, we are ready to kick-off the first west coast Silicon Valley Developer Force User Group at the Santa Clara Cloudforce event this week. We are also planning to have a 2nd NYC Developer Force User Group at the NYC Cloudforce event. I'm excited about these events, and look forward to these groups of local developers and admins getting together and building great apps.  Last but not least, do not forget to participate in the upcoming Navatar slumdog contest, delivered by Navatar group, sponsor for the user groups.

We have lined up Ron Hess & Mike Kreaden, our
Force.com Evangelists at salesforce.com, as well as Ketan Khandkar, Principal at
Navatar Group as speakers.

Join us on March 18 at 10:00 am PST at the Santa Clara Marriott for a morning of food,
fun, and tech talks on building apps on the Force.com platform.

Join us on March 23 at 5:30 pm EST at the Sheraton Towers, NYC for an evening of food,
fun, and tech talks on building apps on the Force.com platform.

See you there!

Kavindra Patel

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