I’m here at Cloudforce London, enjoying the keynote. Marc is currently talking about the Service Cloud, which has some pretty interesting Twitter integration, so it’s great to dip into twitter search to see folk talking about Cloudforce right now. And they are – excitingly it’s a trending topic too 🙂
trending cloudforce.jpg

And this reminds me of something I wrote in the last newsletter: Facebook and Twitter have hundreds of millions of users, and there’s a very good probability that the users of the application you’re building right now on Force.com are already on these platforms—how are you tapping into this vast sea? These users are conversing, exchanging information, complaints, recommendations—ultimately knowledge, and you can tap into this sea using Force.com libraries such as TwitterForce and Force.com for Facebook.

I’m really keen to see how our users here at Developer Force start integrating these services into their code: “Fish where the fish are,” goes the saying, and these tool libraries give you all the raw material you need to get started.

Right now, Parker Harris is on stage giving an in-depth presentation about multitenancy. It’s part of the foundational technology behind Force.com, and great to see it on stage. If you’re curious, you can find more in the whitepaper and the webinar recently published on Developer Force.

Here are a few pics I took just before the keynote started. Right now I’m off to start the Developer Track – we have an exciting line up: Platform Intro, Visualforce and Apex, Force.com Sites. Don’t miss it!

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