By now you should be aware that we have made Sites generally available to Unlimited, Enterprise, Developer and Free Edition customers.  If you are not so familiar with Sites we have a new overview video for you here.  This should set the landscape for you about what Sites is and how to get started.

But, If you are like me, a guided tour of the details and more advanced features really get the engine warmed up.  To give you a jump start on making the most out of the sites you create we are offering a Tech Talk on June 22nd that will take you through most of the features available with content that has previously only been available at Cloudforce events.

We will show you

  • How to create a maintainable Site using templates and standard Sites pages.
  • How to register users and understand the relationship of Sites to Customer Portal
  • How the security model works and the level of control you have available
  • How to create and use reusable assets such as images, CSS and Java-script libraries

This Tech Talk will be hosted by Bulent Cynarkaya. Bulent is the Product Manager for Sites If you have been involved in the Developer Preview and on the Discussion Boards for Sites you should recognize his name as he has responded to virtually every query on that board.

I will also be pitching in to give you a tour around a site created by the Evangelism team that illustrates the technology using a simplified Real Estate Agency use case.  As usual, during the Tech Talk we will be taking all questions.  Some will be answered during the Q&A portion of the talk, but all will be answered following the talk.

Sites really does provide the ability for customers to leverage their current organization.  You can now unify hosting needs while at the same time, providing customer interaction and the opportunity for innovation in ways that, up until now, never existed before. And do it all faster on the most reliable, scalable enterprise class cloud platform in the world!

Cheers and "see" you on June 22nd!

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