IMG_1446 Maybe it's the hot fajitas & chilled Coronoa's with fresh lime .. or earlier pic of Quinton and Kavindra in sombreros, but we have a full house of 80+festive fans in San Mateo tonight.

IMG_1464 Tina Kung from CA just finished kicking off the evening with an overview of their SaaS application Agile Vision, built on platform. Great to have them part of the event and showcasing such a cool app.

We are now deep diving into the two tracks ..

IMG_1456 Sandeep is inducting our newbies with Track 1: Intro to, while Pat and Quinton are covering security topics like SSO with SAML and Omniauth for OAuth support in Rails 3 apps in Track 2. If you are fighting traffic but still want to make it, we are close to standing room only but have kept the food hot!

Now where is that piñata?  More photos here

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