Hey buddy, I got your Tweets of the Week right here…

No seriously, check out our pick of the best tweets of the week from the world of forcedotcom. Follow @forcedotcom to keep up with these characters.

?Abdellah BOUSSAIDI?
Abdellah Boussaidi@aboussaidi
I have to be there !!!!!! RT @forcedotcom: Blog: Developer Force launches Cloud University Dreamforce Scholarship http://bit.ly/oc8wpv

David Schach
David Schach


Just noticed that @apexsutherland and @fractastical are presenting together at #df11. Ruby on Rails and @forcedotcom. Wow!

Mike Martin
Mike Martin


Quote of the night: “my session rocked” – @quintonwall @forcedotcom #Boston #meetup

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