This is a guest post by Gnip

What would you build if you had access to the realtime Twitter Firehose?  Gnip is providing access to our Twitter firehose-based data streams to Dreamforce Hackathon participants so you can answer this question.  With over 200 million Tweets per day, Gnip’s data streams represent what the world is thinking right now about nearly every topic imaginable.

At Gnip, we believe that this data will change the world.  The thoughts, conversations, images and ideas expressed via social media have infinite application and unlimited value.  We believe that no one person or company can possibly comprehend the full importance or potential uses of this information.  Our mission is to make this ever-expanding universe of social media data consumable via a consistent and reliable architecture so the world can realize the full potential of this amazing stream of information.

For the Dreamforce Hackathon, you will have access to two of our most popular Twitter feeds through our Social Media API.  Our Power Track feed gives you access to the full Twitter Firehose based on the filters that you set up.  Want to see every single Tweet in realtime about Apple right now?  How about every Tweet that contains a URL?  Power Track’s your answer.  Looking for a statistically valid, unfiltered sample of the full Twitter Firehose?  Check out our Decahose feed.  It’s ten percent of the full Firehose and it’s a lot of data.

Interested?  Register for the Hackathon and get going!  We can’t wait to see what you develop.

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