I’ve been hooked on playing around with HTML5 and CSS3 of late. There is so much you can do to work with, and visualize your Salesforce data differently. This is especially true when we come to mobile apps, and the ability to pinch and swipe user interfaces.

Over the past few months, I’ve posted a few quick videos to demo some of the hacks I’ve put together. I thought it was time to collate them into a single post and package that  I decided to call Fricandy (Why? It’s Friday, and this is good eye candy). I am going to try and do a regular post with more HTML5/CSS3 to add to the Fricandy collection. So without further adue, grab the package, try it for yourself, and if you have any cool demos to share, let me know. The code provided is pretty raw with much of the javascript and CSS blatantly leverage from the internet, but should give you a good starting point.

Here is what the package currently contains:

1. Contacts Cube

2. Account Visual Contacts

3. Account Coke

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