Elevate Mobile Track We launched Salesforce Platform ELEVATE back in February of this year as a free, twin-track developer workshop comprising beginner and advanced hands-on tutorials aimed at Force.com developers at every level of experience. Although the workshops included mobile development from the outset, developers wanted MORE MOBILE. Well, as always, you ask, we listen, and the ELEVATE Mobile Track is here! Here’s an outline of the day:

  • Salesforce Mobile Platform Overview
  • Setup
  • Creating Your First Mobile App
  • Debugging
  • Enterprise Features
  • Extending the App
  • Device Functionality
  • Optimizing for Mobile

You’ll build a simple hybrid iOS or Android mobile app, using the Salesforce Mobile SDK, to manage merchandise in a warehouse (now, where have I seen THAT use case before?). You’ll implement declarative access control policy, and extend the app to upload photos to Force.com, and more. This is a very hands-on workshop, so you’ll need some existing JavaScript skills, in addition to a laptop with the current Xcode (for iOS) or Android SDK.

UPDATE: Since this originally posted our initial presentation, combining the new mobile track with the existing beginners’ track, has sold out. Over the next few months, we’ll be taking the workshop on the road to a city near you. Let us know in the comments where we should visit next!

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