#SFWITWEDNESDAY weekly roundup of women in tech news

Welcome to this week’s edition of salesforce.com’s Women in Tech Wednesday roundup! #SFWITWednesday

We’re increasingly excited about the Grace Hopper Celebration that is less than a month away! We’ll have several of our top notch engineers share in various sessions and we’ll also have a booth at the career fair where we can’t wait to meet all of you! To help you prepare for the upcoming Grace Hopper career fair, we’ve put together a few tips ensure you feel confident and ready to handle any questions that come your way. Without further ado, take a look at these tips for interviews to help you better prepare for the GHC career fair!

1. Have your elevator pitch ready

What projects did you work on? What are you passionate about? Interviewers want to hear how you contributed to a project you’ve worked on and what you learned in the process.

2. Research The Companies You Will Be Interviewing With

What does the company do? What are the technologies they use? What are their products? Why do you think you want to work there? Be prepared to answer questions like these!

3. Network

The Grace Hopper Celebration is a fantastic place to network with 300+ companies participating. Make your connections so you can reach out when you need them! Don’t forget to carry extra resumes in case you need them!

4. Interview the Interviewer

Not only do you need to impress the interviewers, you need to find out if you actually want to work at the company! Make sure to compile a specific set of questions for the interviewer, so you can get a sense of what it’s like to work there. For example: Why did they choose to join the company? What has been their most fun project? What kind of mentorship/guidance is provided to new hires, etc.

Readers, how are you preparing for the career fair at the Grace Hopper Celebration? Post in the comments below!

Sukrutha BhadouriaAbout the blogger:  Sukrutha Bhadouria is a Sr Member of Technical Staff at salesforce.com, and the Managing Director of Bay Area Girl Geek Dinners. Follow Sukrutha on Twitter @sukruthasays and follow Salesforce WIT @salesforcewit to keep tabs on other great content and WIT events.

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