Not all ISVs can start from scratch as a SaaS startup company – the reality is that most ISVs have significant parts of their business still rooted in the client-server world. So how do you make the switch and bridge the transition to the on-demand world without disruption to existing customers? CODA, a major European financial accounting ISV, knew that in order to be competitive and deliver more customer value, they needed to offer on-demand applications. At the same time, they knew that it would take years to build their own on-demand platform. Enter…within months of their announcement to build on-demand financial accounting apps on the platform, CODA has already made great strides in transforming the way their R&D team builds applications to take advantage of the on-demand model. They’ve embraced the platform and have also invested energy to utilize technologies like Apex and Visualforce to make their on-demand apps better. Read more about their story here.

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