Salesforce customers and ISVs are experiencing tremendous growth. Their apps are being consumed by more users and receiving more traffic than ever. And as usage grows, those users expect the apps to have the same speed and responsiveness that they have come to expect. To address this need we are introducing a new tool for ISVs to scale their apps: Heroku XL. It’s easy to get started on, release an app and scale as it gets traction. Heroku operates the same way: signup, develop the app then scale it when more customers show at the door. With Heroku XL anyone can take advantage of Heroku to power the most demanding enterprise or consumer application on the internet.

Heroku XL introduces increased ability to control performance. Dynos, used for compute resources, are now available in 1X, 2X, and Performance Dynos named “PX” in the command line interface. Performance dynos increase app concurrency via a larger available memory pool and are highly isolated. They include much more compute power and visibility into the app’s performance.

To your customers visiting the app, the benefits of Heroku XL include faster load time, low latency and the ability to use your app without disruption when everyone’s hitting it. They are backed by 24×7 support for the highest uptime. If you are building in Java, Python, Ruby, Node.js, Scala or PHP, you can build and run it all on the Salesforce1 Platform: for declarative development, Heroku for programmatic development, and ExactTarget Fuel for Marketing automation.

Check the detailed specifications on the blog post and the official page at

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