Inspiration is a funny thing.

Widely sought after yet hard to find. Bright like a spotlight when it arrives, fleeting if not nurtured. A unique harbinger of personal success that is almost always given too little attention in our collective day to day.

This is why I'm excited about Cloudstock.

Cloudstock is an opportunity to catch up on what I've been missing, a chance to be inspired right out of my rut. A chance to see what some very innovative thinkers are doing.

Or, maybe a better way to put it: a chance learn what some very innovative doers are thinking.

I'm looking forward to meeting Jeff Barr from AWS and the crew from SimpleGeo. I'm really interested in apigee — I love the API layer, but have never worked with them. GoodData? Yes — let's see those analytics. Twilio? I have to get to know the SMS app interface. I really, really have to.

That's five partners out of — what? — 23? Holy moly. And 50 sessions now. 50!

Monday, December 6, 2010, will be a day to be remembered. A day for inspiration. A day to get out of our collective ruts and do something different. All for free.

Join Us.

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