When InformationWeek identified "Top 10 CIO Issues for 2009," I was more than happy to see "Customer-Facing Innovation" as #1.  Increasingly, that's what we do here, with capabilities like Force.com Sites complementing applications like Ideas.

Then I saw #2 on the list: "Attacking the 80/20 Ratio," shifting costs away from the maintenance of undifferentiating technology and into advantage-creating innovation. That's also a blogworthy point.

And the list just kept on going, with #3 through #6 being

  • Strategic response to the economic situation
  • Emphasis on the business role of the CIO
  • Assessment of cloud computing
  • Adoption of SaaS in more diverse organizations and roles

In courtesy to IWeek's Bob Evans, I won't quote all six items here but will instead urge you to have a look at his list (linked above) — especially his top six points for the imminent '09.

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